
Advanced Quality
of Service Package

Say goodbye to interruptions and hello to uninterrupted connectivity for your most demanding needs. The epiCentro® Advanced QoS Package dynamically adjusts network performance to ensure optimal operation of every service at all times.

Advanced Quality
of Service Package

Say goodbye to interruptions and hello to uninterrupted connectivity for your most demanding needs. The epiCentro Advanced QoS Package dynamically adjusts network performance to ensure optimal operation of every service at all times.

Features at glance

Adaptive quality of service

Involves automatic management of QoS settings based on recognized devices.

Service aware QoS

Automatically manages QoS settings based on service type recognition, ensuring a reliable and guaranteed service model.

Dedicated service interface

Enhances performance for devices connected to dedicated high-priority Ethernet ports and/or WiFi access points.

Learn more about epiCentro®

Advanced Quality of Service Package